Tuesday 21 May 2013


Evaluation of a continuity make -up

On the 17th of may 2013 I followed out my practical assessment of a continuity make up my given scene to create was scene 3 set inside at night time in a cook house my character was Mrs.Lovett from the production Sweeney Todd.
The continuity make up I carried out I think worked very well I stuck to my 90 minutes time spectrum which I was very please about as I didn’t think I was going to stick to it as it was a big make up.
Applying the bald cap was tricky as I didn’t apply gel onto my models hair my reason for this is the hair gel I was planning on using the only hair gel I had ,various products in the hair gel my model
had allergy’s too therefore didn’t want to use it and cause a serious allergy reaction. To get the hair out of the way to apply the bald cap sufficiently I gripped the hair away from the face using hair grips. The other problem I had with this continuity assessment was the first time I completed it I made little holes in the bald cap to pull bits of the hair through , however I couldn’t do this on the assessment day as my chosen model had very poor week quality hair and if I would have pulled it through the hair would have snapped and broken off this would have left my model very unhappy therefore I didn’t do this. throughout my assessment these where the only problems I came across therefore I was very happy. If I was to do this make up again I would have spent more time on the bald cap to make the overall presentation look neat I would also find another product to stick the hair down with which doesn’t contain a lot of common allergens that way my bald cap would look smooth and realistic. Everything went smoothly with the creation of a burn using latex and cotton wool however making it look exactly the same as my first attempt was very difficult, however I got over this and just worked with what I had to make it look the same.

Thursday 16 May 2013

bald caps

If scene 3 is the chosen scene for my assessment i am planning on fitting a bald cap which i will have made myself below i have uploaded some images of my first attempts at bald caps

 this is the first stage of my bald cap

 this is my first attempt at fitting a bald cap i am happy with this result

these images are what i will be recreating for my final assessment