Tuesday 21 May 2013


Evaluation of a continuity make -up

On the 17th of may 2013 I followed out my practical assessment of a continuity make up my given scene to create was scene 3 set inside at night time in a cook house my character was Mrs.Lovett from the production Sweeney Todd.
The continuity make up I carried out I think worked very well I stuck to my 90 minutes time spectrum which I was very please about as I didn’t think I was going to stick to it as it was a big make up.
Applying the bald cap was tricky as I didn’t apply gel onto my models hair my reason for this is the hair gel I was planning on using the only hair gel I had ,various products in the hair gel my model
had allergy’s too therefore didn’t want to use it and cause a serious allergy reaction. To get the hair out of the way to apply the bald cap sufficiently I gripped the hair away from the face using hair grips. The other problem I had with this continuity assessment was the first time I completed it I made little holes in the bald cap to pull bits of the hair through , however I couldn’t do this on the assessment day as my chosen model had very poor week quality hair and if I would have pulled it through the hair would have snapped and broken off this would have left my model very unhappy therefore I didn’t do this. throughout my assessment these where the only problems I came across therefore I was very happy. If I was to do this make up again I would have spent more time on the bald cap to make the overall presentation look neat I would also find another product to stick the hair down with which doesn’t contain a lot of common allergens that way my bald cap would look smooth and realistic. Everything went smoothly with the creation of a burn using latex and cotton wool however making it look exactly the same as my first attempt was very difficult, however I got over this and just worked with what I had to make it look the same.

Thursday 16 May 2013

bald caps

If scene 3 is the chosen scene for my assessment i am planning on fitting a bald cap which i will have made myself below i have uploaded some images of my first attempts at bald caps

 this is the first stage of my bald cap

 this is my first attempt at fitting a bald cap i am happy with this result

these images are what i will be recreating for my final assessment 

Sunday 14 April 2013

Working up to the Final assesment

For my final assesment  I have to create 3 face charts and 3 looks to fit my character mrs lovett, each look will be from a different scene in the script so i have chosen my 3 scenes,
in my assesment i will be creating the looks for scenes :
  • look 1 scene 10 page 12 in this scene Mrs Lovett and Todd have just met
  • look 2 scene 83 page 87 this is the scene where Mrs Lovett, Todd and Toby took a trip to the beach
  • look 3 scene 114 Mrs Lovett gets murdered by todd in this scene I want to show her burning skin.

My Take on Mrs Lovett

So this is my take on what I think mrs lovett could have looked like I think this experiement went really well however I dont think I have thought about her character enough and ive not though of the fact that shes a working woman and her hair and make up wouldnt be as presice as this.

Charatcer Design Sheet

First Face Chart

Continuity Schedule

My Chosen Character

From studying the Sweeney Todd script and watching the movie I have come to the decsion that my chosen character who I am going to focus on is Mrs Lovett.
My reason's for this is:
  • She is a BRILLIANT character to look at, shes a true example of an independant woman until she meets Todd!
  • She's a dark character yet still is loving and caring for Toby.
  • She's a sultry character
  • She plays a massive part in the film and in the script.

Cast list

Script Breakdown


The Sweeney Todd screenplay

So for this part of my university course the module was continuity of a screenplay in this case I chose to study the Sweeney Todd movie and screenplay first things first I got hold of a copy of the Sweeney Todd script, once I got hold of this to fully understand all of the characters I went thought the script and highlighted all of the characters in the script and made a note of them on a cast list , also on this cast list I noted down there character type , principal character, bit character and extra’s also on the cast list I noted down what scenes the characters where in this was so I could fully understand what role the characters played in the script.

Monday 14 January 2013

Inspirational Images

Below I have displayed some images i do not own these images however think there really inspirational to what i am working towards.
  The classic victory roll.

 Pin curls

Friday 11 January 2013




1940's make up:

The 1940's was one of the most iconic looks of the past as i look back at images we can clearly define what the signiture 1940's look was.In the 1940's women were very pale they aimed for a fresh skin tone look and wore a slightly darker foundation to look a little tanned and healthy in the facial area, make up in this era was very fresh and clean, however it is seen that as they aimed for the flawless complextion women put on a fair amount of foundation and then set it with a powder to do this.
Rouge (Blusher) In the 1940's women tended to use a small amound of red lipstick which was rubbed into the cheek bone area to create a rosey cheek this was seen as a glamourous healthy look, Beetroot was also another option if they didnt own a red lippy however in the 1940's a red lippy was a must for the whole decade, Other popular colours where coral and oranges.
Brows. In the 1940's women shaped and groomed there brows they would use either charcoal, khol, or burnt cork they would also use this on there lash line to create the desired flick on the outer corner of the eyes

1940'S HAIR
 In the 1940's women wore there hair fairly short at about shoulder length and shorter they wore pin curls in there hair, the iconic victory roll and curls lots and lot of curls.
back in the 1940's they didnt possess such products which we have toay such as hair spray, setting lotions or gell sprays to hold there hair do's they made a sugar and water paste and this would set there hair style for the day.